Strona: TOEIC / Studium Języków Obcych



The TOEIC certificate® has been created in response to the growing need of the business world for the honest and objective English test in context of working with international environments. TOEIC® is the exam oriented on testing the fluency of the language in working places like an office, during business meetings, during the negotiations or business trips.

Every year, over 7000000 candidates join the exam. This exam is considered and respected by more than 14 000 companies, corporations and organizations.  

Examination is designed for those who do not speak English as their native language, It provides a precise measurement of the language skills in the area of listening, speaking and grammar.

Currently, TOEIC is the most popular exam in the world, This examination is being chosen by managers in the area of personal management, specialists in the area of enrolment. public, private universities, national administration and also by the individual customers.

The Department of Foreign Languages of Rzeszow University of Technology, as a partner of Educational Testing Services, offers the students of Rzeszow University of Technology the possibility of getting a TOEIC certificate TOEIC at a promotional price.

50 PLN (only for joining the exam) + 150 PLN the cost of the certificate (in the case of positive results)


In case of getting (given a particular level of the language course) the minimum of 480 points (B1 level)), 620 points (B2 level), 805 points (C1 Level) on the TOEIC exam, a student gets an exemption from a final exam in a foreign language.



Learn more about the exam TOEIC >>>

Format i przygotowanie

Information about certificates, levels and a structure of the examination: 

Candidates receive certificates in 5 different colours, depending on a score 10-990 points. 




10 – 215 points


220 – 465 points


470 – 725 points


730 – 855 points


860 – 990 points


TOEIC EXAM FORMAT: Listening and Reading

Listening Comprehension - 45 minutes – 100 Questions

Amount of tasks in Section

Section 1 – Interpretation of a photography

10 Tasks

Section 2 – Question-Answer

30 Tasks

Section 3- 10 Dialogues, 3 questions to the every dialogue

30 Tasks

Section 4 - 10 Statements, 3 questions to the every statement

30 Tasks

Reading Comprehension - 75 Minutes - 100 Questions

 Amount of tasks in Section

Section 5 – Filling the Sentences

40 tasks

Section 6 – Filling the Texts

12 tasks

Section 7-  Questions to the single text, Questions to the 2 linked texts.

28 tasks

20 tasks

Apart from scoring, every candidate receives a „Score Report”, which describes the language skills of a person who passed the exam, and interprets the score. This method of showing the scores permits the results along with the language skills of a candidate.

Prepration for the Exam


Exemplary test TOEIC L&R:

There are also course books designed specially for those intending to take TOEIC test.

For more information look here:


TOEIC Additional Information

TOEIC Examination

  1. Discount for students of Technical University in Rzeszów:

50 PLN (for joining the exam) + 150 PLN (Certificate)

                Price for joining the exam 50 PLN (payable in advance, before the exam).

150 PLN – price for a certificate. Every student has got one year from joining to the exam until the decision about the ransom of the certificate. Ransom of the certificate is not obligatory for neither of the students.


International Examination exempts students from the English Exam according to the criteria below:

On a Pilotage studies, student has to achieve the score on C1 level (minimum of 805 p.), to be exempted from the English Exam

The exam does not exempt students from attending the classes. Attending classes and positive grades from 4 semesters are required to join the exam.


Price-list for the students from other universities: 320PLN.


Price-list for those who are not students: 375 PLN. 

  1. Sophistication levels and scale of grades– Inner Criteria of the Department of Foreign Languages accepted by ETS Global.

10   – 339            A1

340 – 479            A2

480 – 619            B1

620 – 804            B2

805 – 990            C1


Minimum score of 620 p. exempts from the final exam in a foreign language. Examination Scoring ETS according to the grade from the Bachelor’s Degree– level B2 and C1 – Notes are put down into the USOS system. Score which exempts from the exam:

620-656                3

657-693                3.5

694-730                4

731-767                4,5

768-804                5

805-990               5


If Students want to be exempted from the exam they have to buy their certificates.

Certificate is a formal and official document confirming language skills.

 The exam does not exempt students from attending the classes. Attending classes and positive grades from 4 semesters are required to join the exam.


 3.TOEIC Exam results chart according to the levels of the Council of Europe:


TOEIC Overall Scores

(10-990 points)

Level of Sophistication (CEF)


≥ 120 points

Breakthrough (Beginner)


≥ 225 points

Waystage (Elementary)


≥ 550 points



≥ 785 points



≥ 945 points

Effective Operational Proficiency (Advanced)



  1. Term of the nearest examination session: 15.12.2016r. Enrollment until24.11.2016r.

        Sign in for the TOEIC EXAM>>>


  1. Additional Information and Contact:

        For additional information ask Aneta Sondej in secretary’s office SJO, building.  J,

 tel.: 17-8651-430,

The free TOEIC trial is available on  (after creating an account).  An Exemplary test in pdf and audio files are available on:


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