Strona: Pilotage / Studium Języków Obcych



Qualifying Examination for the Pilotage Speciality
English-B2 level


The exam consists of 2 parts: 

Written Part:

  1. Listening (14 points)
  • Multiple choice (a, b, c or d)
  1. Reading (16 points)
  • Multiple choice (a, b, c or d)
  1. Use of English
  • Word-Formation (10 points)
  • Filling the blanks to create a consistent and coherent text by using one of three shown options. (12 possible points)
  • Filling three sentences with one suitable word (6 points)
  • Grammatical Transformations (12 points)


Students can get maximally 70 points

Oral Part:

  1. Presentation

Candidates are asked to introduce themselves, their interests and plans connected with pilotage. This part of an exam is the same for all candidates.

  1. Production         

Candidates are asked to express their opinions on general topics connected with flying, for instance What personal qualities are important for a good pilot? Illustrate with examples.  

Each candidates draws a set of questions (general English) and knowledge of specialised terminology is not required.

Preparation Time: 2-3 min.


Students can get maximally 30 points.

Presentation –15 points. 

Production –15 points. 

Oral Exam Assessment Parameters

  1. Presentation:
  • Speaking fluency (0-3 points)
  • Vocabulary (0-3 points.)
  • Grammatical Correctness (0-3 points.)
  • Pronunciation Correctness (0-3 points)
  • Speech structure /logic, coherence, consequence/ (0-3 points.)
  1. Production: 
  • Performance (0-3 points.)
  • Speech structure, fluency, coherence (0-3 points.)
  • Vocabulary (0-3 points)
  • Pronunciation (syntax, morphology) (0-3 points.)
  • Pronunciation, Intonation (0-3 points.)

Each candidate can achieve maximally 100 points from both exam parts 


Results of English Exam


The results of an exam are a sum of points scored from the oral and written parts of an exam.

Written Part + Oral Part = 100%

A candidate who got for instance 68% has 6,8 points.

The exam is passed if the a candidate gets at least 60% which means 6 points.

Exam results are sent in the form of a ranking list to  the Department Dean’s Office.


Candidates are asked to familiarize themselves with the regulations of examination procedure (oral and written parts)


  1. For a written exam one should come with a valid student ID card. A person without an ID card shall not be allowed to take the exam.
  2. One should come to the exam 15 minutes before the beginning. Students are let individually, according to the alphabetical order and after showing student ID card
  3. Persons in outerwear shall not be let into the examination room. Jackets, coats, bags etc have to be left in the cloakroom of the V building or in lockers located by the entrance to the V building.
  4. Examination participants sit separately at seats indicated by the examiners
  5. While sitting the exam it is strictly forbidden to use telecommunication devices, in accordance with the PRz Rector statement of 29.09.2014 concerning using by students unpermitted methods in knowledge assessment. The fact of using unpermitted aids shall be written down in the sheet and the person shall be disqualified. Mobile phones brought into the examination room have to be put in the designated place before the examination beginning.
  6. The written part lasts 90 minutes.
  7. The written part consists of three parts in the following order:
  • Listening comprehension (1 task): exam takers listen to the recording twice,
  • Reading comprehension (1 task),
  • Vocabulary-grammar test (4 tasks).
  1. The students in the examination room are obliged to sit the whole exam. After its beginning it is not possible to enter the room or leave it before the examination ends.
  2. Students write the exam with a pen or fountain pen in black or blue colours. Writing with a pencil is not allowed.
  3. Answers need to be written in a legible and clear manner. Exam sheet written with a pencil or illegible will not be marked.
  4. During examination it is allowed to use an additional sheet of paper as a draft.
  5. Exams are collected after the prescribed time limit. The exam takers have to remain in their seats until all the exams are collected.
  6. The date of forwarding the results to the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and the date of exam sheets viewing at the office of the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages will be announced in the examination room before the exam beginning.
  7. The second part of the English exam for the pilotage specialty has an oral form. The oral exam takes place after the end of the written exam according to the detailed schedule with committees, rooms and time. The oral exam schedule will be posted on the door by the exam room entry before the written exam.



  1. The exam takes places in rooms and on dates announced by the Department of Foreign Languages
  2. For the oral exam one should come with a student ID card. A person without an ID card shall not be allowed to take the exam.
  3. A student chooses a set at random and prepares for examination at a place indicated by the examiner
  4. While sitting the exam it is strictly forbidden to use telecommunication devices, in accordance with the PRz Rector statement of 29.09.2014 concerning using by students unpermitted methods in knowledge assessment. 
  5. Student answers the questions in front of a two person examination committee

After the exam finishes the student gives the set and the draft version back.


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